Hwentea / Uda Pepper (Ethiopian Pepper) 2oz


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Hwentea / Uda Peppers (Xylopia aethiopica hwentea grains of Selim) are used as a spice. It can serve as a substitute for black pepper but also carries notes of black pepper and lemongrass. Favorites include using the whole smoked pods as a spice rub for seafood or other meats. It can be added to teas to create chai-reminiscent blends. Grains of Selim, also known as Hwentia or Hwentea, actually comes from a shrubby tree common all over Sub-Saharan Africa. They are the fruit pods from Xylopia aethiopica. Dried out, these fruit pods are used as a spice in food. Grains of Selim are even added to coffee to make café Touba, which has been exported and become popular in France.


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